Remote Tournament Sign Up

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Today's Current Sign Ups
Player 1TournamentBountyPlayer 2Player 3Date
Katie Novak40 Cap 6pmYes01:42 PM 02/16/2025
Amy Wilson40 Cap 6pmYes04:15 PM 02/16/2025
Brandy Robinson40 Cap 6pmYes04:27 PM 02/16/2025
Mia Flatz40 Cap 6pmNo04:37 PM 02/16/2025
Ashley Weber40 Cap 6pmYes05:19 PM 02/16/2025
Tyler Pendleton40 Cap 6pmYes05:20 PM 02/16/2025
Anthony Jackson40 Cap 6pmYes05:25 PM 02/16/2025
Jeremy Augustin40 Cap 6pmYes05:29 PM 02/16/2025
Nate Bennett40 Cap 6pmYes05:30 PM 02/16/2025
Billy FeragenSunday 110 Cap DoublesYesLogan Wenstad11:36 AM 02/16/2025
Gabriel LuloffSunday 110 Cap DoublesYesBrie Stanford01:56 PM 02/16/2025
Joe FiebigerSunday 110 Cap DoublesYesJeremy Weeks02:27 PM 02/16/2025
Darren PendletonSunday 110 Cap DoublesYesBrandon Senkyr02:44 PM 02/16/2025
Eric HardingSunday 110 Cap DoublesYesSean Spurlock04:12 PM 02/16/2025
Brady SeegertSunday 110 Cap DoublesYesDominick Smith04:24 PM 02/16/2025
Cody RydbergSunday 110 Cap DoublesYesBri Wunderlich04:36 PM 02/16/2025
Dustin WardSunday 110 Cap DoublesYesChris Vogler04:45 PM 02/16/2025
Neil GeradsSunday 110 Cap DoublesYesAdam Crayford04:50 PM 02/16/2025
Ryan McVittySunday 110 Cap DoublesYesBrittany Hoyt05:00 PM 02/16/2025
Ryan RatschSunday 110 Cap DoublesYesTaylor Musial05:06 PM 02/16/2025
Billy FrenchSunday 110 Cap DoublesYesDalton Highfield05:18 PM 02/16/2025
David ThomasSunday 110 Cap DoublesYesJoeAnn Matchett05:25 PM 02/16/2025
Bryan WalkerSunday 110 Cap DoublesYesGage Pence05:37 PM 02/16/2025
George NicholsonSunday 110 Cap DoublesYesEric Shrader06:07 PM 02/16/2025
Lisa KeckSunday 110 Cap DoublesYesBrennan Weeks cza4cy406:07 PM 02/16/2025
Skyler SweisbergerSunday 110 Cap DoublesYesMac Severns06:09 PM 02/16/2025
Alicia RoenSunday 110 Cap DoublesYesJalen Romero06:14 PM 02/16/2025
Brandon LafountainSunday 110 Cap DoublesYesJames Grant06:16 PM 02/16/2025
Ryan NicholsonSunday 110 Cap DoublesYesErin Sabados06:17 PM 02/16/2025
Travis Storm JrSunday 110 Cap DoublesYesBen Brandow06:20 PM 02/16/2025
Colinda GrantSunday 110 Cap DoublesYesFaith Dionne06:23 PM 02/16/2025
Josh CallejaSunday 110 Cap DoublesYesJeff Oseby06:24 PM 02/16/2025
Lynn WaltersSunday 110 Cap DoublesYesManny Robles06:29 PM 02/16/2025
Danielle NelsonSunday 110 Cap DoublesYesJeff Lofgren06:38 PM 02/16/2025
Chris BarrettSunday 110 Cap DoublesYesMike Elkins06:45 PM 02/16/2025
Eric SikvelandSunday 90 Cap DoublesYesKatie Mendez07:31 PM 02/15/2025
Toni FrakineSunday 90 Cap DoublesYesRobert Cote01:19 PM 02/16/2025
Jake FullerSunday 90 Cap DoublesYesRyan Randberg02:12 PM 02/16/2025
Jake MeesterSunday 90 Cap DoublesYesMorgan Meester05:02 PM 02/16/2025
Tammy ThomasSunday 90 Cap DoublesYesJoeann Matchett05:03 PM 02/16/2025
Morgan BrumleveSunday 90 Cap DoublesYesThad Bergfeld05:31 PM 02/16/2025
Ashley EndicottSunday 90 Cap DoublesYesAdam Ward05:32 PM 02/16/2025
Joey FreestoneSunday 90 Cap DoublesYesTara Meyer05:38 PM 02/16/2025
clifford ErbSunday 90 Cap DoublesYesAllison Erb05:39 PM 02/16/2025
Ashley HowardSunday 90 Cap DoublesYesRyan Hufford05:59 PM 02/16/2025
Evan MajorSunday 90 Cap DoublesYesLexi Major06:01 PM 02/16/2025
Adam HuotSunday 90 Cap DoublesYesLiam Nelson06:06 PM 02/16/2025
John StanfordSunday 90 Cap DoublesYesBob Thiel06:31 PM 02/16/2025
Hunter CharlandSunday 90 Cap DoublesYesBailey Hubmer06:37 PM 02/16/2025
Dan WunderlichSunday 90 Cap DoublesYesBri Wunderlich06:43 PM 02/16/2025

Monday 90 Cap



Monday 100 Cap



Monday 110 Cap



Monday 120 Cap



Monday 135 Cap



Tuesday 95 Cap



Tuesday 105 Cap



Tuesday 115 Cap



Tuesday 125 Cap



Tuesday All Cricket



Wednesday 75 Cap


Wednesday 90 Cap



Wednesday 100 Cap



Wednesday 110 Cap



Wednesday 120 Cap



Wednesday 135 Cap



Thursday 95 Cap



Thursday 105 Cap



Thursday 115 Cap



Thursday 125 Cap



Friday 75 Cap



Friday 90 Cap



Friday 100 Cap



Friday 110 Cap



Friday 120 Cap



Friday 135 Cap



Saturday 75 Cap


Saturday 95 Cap



Saturday 105 Cap



Saturday 115 Cap



Saturday 125 Cap



Trips 125 Cap



Trips 150 Cap



Trips 200 Cap



Sunday 90 Cap



Sunday 100 Cap



Sunday 110 Cap



Sunday 120 Cap



Singles Events

6pm 40



6pm 50



6pm 60



6pm 85


9pm 45



9pm 55



9pm 65



9pm 85


Need 6 entries for added money to be included

Monthly Events

Mixed Doubles



Monthly Invitational

90 Cap



110 Cap



120 Cap


140 Cap


Here are the rules and guidelines for IOWA DARTS Remote Tournaments, which use Arachnid G3’s Tournament King (TK) remote play features:

General Guidelines:

  • Contact: Tournament director by Text 319-214-2198 or via Facebook Messenger (IOWA DARTS) from 2-10 pm CST.
  • Signups: Will close 30 minutes before start time. Unless you are a new player, you will need to sign up one hour before
  • A minimum of 4 participants is required to run a tournament
  • Entry Fees:
    • Singles: $26.47
    • Doubles: $53.47
    • Bounty Option: $11 (Singles), $22 (Doubles)
    • Admin fee: $7 per player with $1 going to Our Points Classic
    • Pay via PayPal, Cash App ($iowadarts), or Venmo (@iowadarts)
    • .When sending PayPal do not use comments
  • Refunds: No refunds after the brackets are published. Inspect your equipment and connection before the match.

Tournament Structure:

  • Formats: Race to 3 in winners, 2 in losers (701, Cricket, Cricket, 701, Choice).
  • Handicapping: Based on a 6-month rolling average (reverse handicap in 01 games).
  • Team Cap: Tournament Cap, if applicable, will be listed on the website If the team cap is 199 PR you are over cap when you reach 200 PR.  (a 199.99 is still considered 199 cap) There are no per player cap limits if you fit you can play

Player Responsibilities:

  • Arrive Early: Ensure equipment works, the board is connected to the internet, and remote play is functioning.
  • Internet Problems:Things happen beyond our control. If you have connectivity issues with your boards and are unable to correct them before the tournament starts, you can be removed from the tournament up to 30 minutes before tournament start time with a refund. After 30 minutes before the tournament start time, no refunds will be given. If you have completed a match in the tournament and the internet goes down at your location and cannot reconnect in the next 15 min you will be forfeited from the tournament with no refund.
  • Player Rating: New players must submit stats, and the 7-Point Rule applies for unestablished players. At the conclusion of the tournament calculations are done for individual stats on all new players that place in the money. If you place in the money, you will not receive winnings for the tournament payout. Nor will teams below them advance in placements. The placing is final.  That payout will be added to next week’s tournament (or when its tournament scheduled again) to the bounty pot. If a player without an Iowa Darts established average on your team shoots 7 points over the supplied player rating. No matter if the team is under the cap or not. This rule is not determined until the calculations are done at the end of the tournament. It is then when the calculations are done. Player rating is figured MPR x 10 + PPD= Player rating (3.09 mpr 31 ppd is a 61.9 player rating)
  • No Nicknames: Use first or last name for the tournament.

During the Tournament:

  • Contact Opponent: Contact your opponent within 10 minutes of match availability. Failure to log in results in forfeiture after 15 minutes.
  • Board Sharing: Not recommended due to forfeiture risks.
  • Camera & Connectivity Issues: Must be resolved before starting the game. Once the match begins, it’s assumed everything is working. Once you push the start button you agree that the cameras are working. We have no control over this. The board will not allow you to play in a tournament if the camera is not physically working. Arachnid tells us If you cannot see your opponent, IT IS YOUR LOCATION WITH THE PROBLEM not your opponents. Unplug your board, wait 30 seconds, plug it in and try again.
  • Forfeit Guidelines: Players must log in by the scheduled start time. Failure to do so will lead to forfeiture.

Misregistered Darts: The board’s reading is final. Misregistered darts are scored as per the board. We are using the NDA Rule”

“The Dart Board Is Always Right” rule applies for NDA remote tournaments:
A dart thrown that sticks but does not score or appear on the darts thrown count on the
monitor is scored as the board reads.

We are not responsible for the boards you choose to play on.

Disputes & Complaints:

  • Disputes: To dispute a match, a $20 fee applies, refundable if the ruling is in your favor. Matches must continue despite the dispute.
  • Fouls: We do not call line or foot fouls.  We are not responsible for measuring the lines at the locations players play on.  We do not use camera footage to review it or where a foot throws from or lands.
  • Cheating: Iowa Darts has a zero-tolerance policy for cheating, with a lifetime ban for offenders.

Iowa Darts social media Policy
This page is designed to assist players and share information related to Iowa Darts events. Feel free to post questions, news, updates, or photos that are relevant to Iowa Darts tournaments


  • Respectful Communication: Avoid posting rude comments, complaints, or any derogatory information.
  • Relevance: Posts should be related to Iowa Darts events, leagues, or tournaments.
  • Consequences: Misuse of this page may result in removal from the group and further penalties, depending on the severity of the issue.

If you have any legitimate concerns or issues, please contact us directly via email or phone. When doing so, please remain professional and courteous in your language.

This policy also applies to any comments or posts about Iowa Darts as a company or its staff, made on any social media platform.
Failure to follow these rules may result in suspension from leagues and tournaments, or a permanent ban.


  • Distribution: 25% of the field receives payouts, issued via PayPal within 18 hours.
  • Pictures are need for any team that finishes first place. Payouts will not be sent until one is received. 
  • Splitting: Iowa Darts only handles posted payouts. Any team splits are the responsibility of the players.

Iowa Darts Bounty Challenge Rules (Optional)

The Bounty Challenge is available for all regular singles and doubles events. To participate, you must enter the bounty at the time of your signup. There are no refunds for the bounty once entered.

How the Bounty Works:

  • Random Draw: All teams will be entered into a random drawing to select the Bounty Team for that event.
  • Bounty Distribution:
    • When the bounty reaches $400, it splits into two bounties of $200 each.
    • When the bounty reaches $800, it splits into four bounties, and so on.

The Bounty Team will be posted on the bracket once they are eliminated. The drawing will be recorded, timestamped, and made available for 24 hours upon request for verification purposes.

How to Win the Bounty:

  • If you or your team knocks the Bounty Team out of the Winner’s Side, you receive half of the Bounty pot for that event (provided you joined the Bounty Challenge).
  • If you or your team knocks the Bounty Team out of the Loser’s Side, you receive the other half of the Bounty pot for that event (provided you joined the Bounty Challenge).
  • If you or your team is selected as the Bounty and you win the tournament undeafeted, you will receive the entire Bounty pot for that event (provided you joined the Bounty Challenge).

Additional Rules:

  • The Bounty can be drawn from the total number of teams. A team can be drawn twice and may win both bounties if they eliminate both teams.
  • If your team is drawn as the Bounty and you are still in the tournament, you can win the other Bounty by eliminating the opposing Bounty Team and can also win your own Bounty if you win the tournament.
  • For Bar Wars, the Bounty Team is drawn at the start of round-robin play. If the selected team does not make it into the brackets, the bounty rolls over.

Entry Fees:

  • Singles: $12, Doubles: $22, Triples: $33 Bar Wars: $44

For each tournament, 25% of the bounty will be carried over. The starting bounty for each tournament may be additionally funded by Iowa Darts. In that case it will take 6 teams to be kicked in

Tournament Bounty Contributions:

Iowa Darts may occasionally add to the tournament bounty. However, to qualify for the additional funds contributed by Iowa Darts, there must be at least 6 players/teams. If fewer than 6 players/teams participate, the bounty will still consist of the money collected from entry fees, ensuring the bounty is funded by player participation.

Points Classic at Iowa Darts Open 6.0
Location: Riverside Casino & Golf Resort
Date & Time: November 9th at 10 AM

Event Overview:

The Top 256 Players will be invited to participate in the Points Classic Tournament at the Iowa Darts Open 6.0. This tournament will feature a Blind A/B Draw with Handicap (HCP), based on player ratings as of November 5th.

Prize Pool (Based on Full Field):

  • Total Tournament Payout: Estimated at $20,000
  • Bonus Pool Payout: Estimated at $12,000

Earning Points:

Points are earned by participating in Iowa Darts Tournaments:

  • 1 point is earned for every game played during a tournament.
  • Bracket Challenge Players are allowed to participate in 6 Challenge Tournaments per year.
  • Player rankings are calculated based on point standings, where every player is rewarded based on their rank at each tournament.
  • Bonus Pool Payouts will be distributed 1 hour after the tournament’s completion.

Points Accumulation Period:

  • Points are earned between January 1, 2024, and October 15, 2024.
  • During the Iowa Open, players earn 5 points for each event they participate in.
  • Bracket Points will be awarded based on position in the bracket, ranging from 10 to 55 points.

Invitations and Registration:

  • Invited players will be notified by October 20th.
  • Invited players must sign up and pay by October 24th.
  • No refunds will be issued if the player does not participate in the tournament.

Entry Fees:

  • Entry Fee: $50 per player
    • Breakdown:
      • $35 Entry
      • $10 Line Fee
      • $5 Administration Fee

Important Information:

  • Points will be updated weekly, every Sunday.
  • Registration check-in will close 30 minutes (SHARP) before the start of each event.
  • All payouts are based on full field participation.

Updated 10/09/2024