Points Classic: Riverside Casino & Golf Resort
Top 128 Players will be invited to participate in the Points Classic tournament to be played at Iowa Darts Open 6.0 At Riverside Casino & Resort on November 10th at 10 AM
The Tournament will be a Blind A/B Draw HCP
Tournament estimate Total Payout $12,800 based on full field
Bonus Pool estimate Total Payout $15,000 based on full field
Points are earned by playing in Iowa Darts Tournaments
Earn a point for every game played in an tournament.
Calculated by Rank that is based on point standings where every player is rewarded, Determined at Tournament
Bonus Pool Payouts will not be paid until at least 1 hour after tournament completion
Points earned dates are January 1,2024 thru October 20th
Invited Players will be notified October 14th and must sign up and pay by October 22nd. No refunds will be issued if the player doesn’t participate in the Points Classic Tournament
Players earn 5 points awarded to every event the player plays in during The Iowa Open
During the bracket points will be rewarded based on bracket position (10-55 points)
Registration Check-in closes 30 minutes (SHARP) before each event starts
Points Classic Entry: $50 per player ($35 Entry + $10 Line Fee + $5 Administration Fee)
All Payouts Are Based on Full Fields